Monday, February 27, 2012

9 Year Old Drumming Phenom

Flying Mueller Brothers  or   My Three Sons ???
It all started with a talented Big Band Drummer and his 3 boys who were born with music in their blood. As a matter of fact, newer generations of Mueller's are taking a swat at the cow hide as well. Drumming phenom Donny "DJ" Mueller is a 9 year old kid who has a beat that keeps people on their feet !!!

Click on these links and check out Donny "DJ" and Flying Mueller Bros:
Donny 'DJ' Mueller
Drumming on Boardwalk 
9 year old Drumming Phenom
Flying Mueller Brothers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Teen Dating Violence Awareness

I met an outstanding young man with a vision for education and awareness.

Payin the Price, was written and directed by phenom Jordan Coleman when he was 14-years-old. His film won the HBO Best Feature Film competition at this year's Martha's Vineyard African-American Film Festival. It chronicles the story of a 17-year-old who's privileged life is turned upside down when a beautiful young girl from the "wrong" side of the tracks accuses him of brutally assaulting her.

WannaBee Chef

I wanted to start the New Year right by eating healthier. So I paid a visit to WannaBee Chef Cooking School to learn new cooking skills in a comfortable, relaxed, and fun environment!  Classes highlight different cuisines. Chef Rama has a warm and wonderful personality and she is eager to share her skills in the kitchen.

WannaBee Chef